Using Your Sister as a Surrogate: Things to Think About

January 15, 2025 by Frank Golden

Using Your Sister as a Surrogate: Things to Think About

Short answer: yes!⁠ Your sister CAN be your Surrogate!

But should they? Keep reading to find out⬇️⁠

I am not here to judge. But as an agency director, my advice is that if you are interested in pursuing a gestational surrogacy journey with a family member as your Surrogate, you should first consult with a mental health professional that works in the surrogacy industry. All parties should meet and discuss the journey and their expectations in order to make an informed decision.⁠ ⁠

It is important to consider a multitude of factors when making this decision.⁠

Additionally, keep in mind that this person cannot skip any screenings and there still needs to be a legal contract in place.⁠

So while you may be able to utilize a family member, there are still important steps that cannot be skipped.⁠

At the end of the day, this is your family building experience and only you know what is right for you.⁠

Want more details? Check out Golden’s list of requirements for anyone interested in becoming a Surrogate.