Why Double Embryo Transfer May Not Be the Best Option

January 15, 2025 by Frank Golden

Why Double Embryo Transfer May Not Be the Best Option

Intended Parents, let’s talk about the idea of having twins through a double embryo transfer🤔👶👶⁠

No, that’s not the approach we recommend. While it may seem like a cost-saving strategy, there are important financial considerations to keep in mind.

Surrogates often incur additional expenses such as C-section fees, bedrest, lost wages, and a hefty multiples fee. Additionally, there’s an increased risk of health complications for both the Surrogate and the unborn children when opting for a double embryo transfer.

We strongly advise partnering with a reputable medical provider to fully understand these risks and assess your willingness to take them. Additionally, working with a trusted surrogacy agency like Golden is crucial. We provide sage advice and support to ensure a healthy and safe surrogacy journey.

Remember, informed decisions lead to the best outcomes.

To learn more about the critical cost categories that can impact your surrogacy expenses, check out our blog, Additional Surrogacy Costs.