Find Your Perfect Surrogate with Golden’s Stringent Requirements

January 14, 2025 by Frank Golden

Find Your Perfect Surrogate with Golden’s Stringent Requirements

Taking home a baby 🤝 preserving the health and safety of your Surrogate⁠

Golden is committed to going above and beyond anything you will find in the industry!⁠

Striving to provide an amazing experience for the best possible outcome, we hold ourselves to a meticulously stringent degree of requirements when screening our Surrogate candidates.⁠

Here are some of the requirements we have in place to recruit the absolute healthiest Surrogates available:⁠ ⁠

➡️ Be between the ages of 24-36⁠

➡️ BMI cannot exceed 30⁠

➡️ No more than 3 previous deliveries⁠

➡️ No more than 1 previous C-section⁠

Whether you are an Intended Parent or Surrogate, you deserve better than the best!⁠

You deserve Golden!⁠