Find Your Perfect Surrogate with Golden’s Stringent Requirements
January 14, 2025 by Frank Golden
Find Your Perfect Surrogate with Golden’s Stringent Requirements
Taking home a baby 🤝 preserving the health and safety of your Surrogate
Golden is committed to going above and beyond anything you will find in the industry!
Striving to provide an amazing experience for the best possible outcome, we hold ourselves to a meticulously stringent degree of requirements when screening our Surrogate candidates.
Here are some of the requirements we have in place to recruit the absolute healthiest Surrogates available:
➡️ Be between the ages of 24-36
➡️ BMI cannot exceed 30
➡️ No more than 3 previous deliveries
➡️ No more than 1 previous C-section
Whether you are an Intended Parent or Surrogate, you deserve better than the best!
You deserve Golden!