Unveiling the Dark Side of Marketing

January 16, 2025 by Frank Golden

Unveiling the Dark Side of Marketing

This definitely crosses the line.

Let’s talk about what truly crosses the line into the realm of tackiness and shadiness. It’s not marketing itself. It’s marketing done in an unethical way.⁠

We’re talking about those ads that claim you can “earn up to $80,000 as a Surrogate.” But here’s the catch—does it actually amount to $80,000? Or is it actually $50,000, with additional incidentals that may never even occur? That, my friends, is what we call tacky.⁠

Here’s a fact: 15% of couples face infertility struggles, and the staggering number of over 700 babies are born each year through surrogacy. This tells us one thing—the need is enormous. These families need the support of Surrogates to help them fulfill their dreams.⁠

So trust me when I say that marketing plays a crucial role in our mission. If your business offers services, like ours, to help build families, responsible and ethical marketing is a must.⁠

Curious what you would make as a Golden Surrogate? Here at Golden, what you see is what you get. Check out our Surrogate Compensation page and fill out an application today!